Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Ehh - Who Needs It

We are in soooo much trouble. We live in a super dangerous world with a large portion of it wishing America harm. On any given day, armed conflicts are taking place all over the world. Death and destruction are everywhere. Plots are being hatched against us by the largest world powers all the way down to the smallest terrorist cells. We are being attacked from all angles - economically, technologically and militarily just to name a few.

With an "I don't give a care" attitude, our president-elect has shunned the daily intelligence briefings the  future leader of the free world should put as a top priority on his "to do" list. Instead, it seems, his twitter feed comes first. He's getting his intelligence from "other sources" such as his phone calls from other world leaders (like they're not as much of a liar as he is), or the internet and social media (and we all know everything we see and read there is the "gospel truth"), or finally Fox News (no comment needed).

Not only are Americans gonna take a hit from this election, but all the citizens of the world who have held the US as a beacon of hope against the tyranny they face every day are gonna take a hit as well. Like I said - we are all in soooo much trouble. Till next time - R

Monday, November 28, 2016

Waaa Waaa Waaa

"Number of Trump tweets about the recount: 12
Number of Trump tweets about hate crimes: 0"

Interesting that Donnie spent the better part of his presidential campaign claiming the election was going to be "rigged" and he wouldn't accept the results unless he won. Well, at least he's kept his word on that one. He may have won the electoral college by 70 votes, but he's lost the popular vote by more than two million and still counting. Three of the states he won - Mich, Wisc, Penn - account for more than the 70 electoral votes needed for him to be elected president. Folks, he won those three states by just a tad over 100,000 votes combined. He won the state of Wisc by only 20,000 some odd votes. Easily within the margin of error if a recount is performed, especially if there was some kind of outside tampering going on as has been claimed.

It's no wonder the trumpster camp is starting to freak out. Not only do you have Donnie going on twitter ranting and raving about how this is a "scam" by Jill Stein to make money, or how it doesn't matter because he's already won with Hillary conceding (sorry Donnie, you don't officially win until Dec 19 when the electoral college votes, no matter how many times Hillary concedes), but now you have him claiming he would have won the popular vote if millions of people hadn't voted "illegally". That last one came out after Clinton decided to participate in the Wisc recount which means the weight of the whole Democratic Party and their legal team is now involved. How could millions of people have voted illegally with everyone watching so close. Didn't happen. Now he's threatening to go ahead and prosecute Clinton for her "crimes" as Sec of State or even sue her if she doesn't back off. Not only is that a childish reaction, but it sounds like someone running scared to me.

I do know one thing. The mind of the person, who in a few weeks is going to become the most powerful person on earth, should be on infinitely more important things. Things like world affairs, national security, the state of the economy, the environment, trying to find common ground to bring people together in this divided country and most important of all, the future for our children.

It looks like Donnie is going to be a president who stays holed-up in the oval office or Dump Tower, (as it's referred to on Google Maps) hiding from the press and the public, with only his smart phone and his twitter account while letting all his cronies run the country for him, as he keeps everyone distracted with his idiotic tweets. Kind of a genius strategy really. Seems to have worked extremely well so far. I mean this latest rant took our minds and the headlines right off all of his corrupt business dealings that everyone was focused on.
This strategy is completely misleading and dirty, even something Nazi Josef Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, would be proud of. Like I said - kinda genius. Till next time - R

Sunday, November 27, 2016

America The Beautiful

"O beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain.
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea."

Words that should bring a tear to any American's eye. Unfortunately over the next few years those tears will be shed for other reasons.

Most people don't realize that for the last eight years, some of President Obama's greatest achievements have been his efforts to save our environment. He helped push through the Paris Agreement - the most significant climate change deal among the countries of the world so far in history. He took it upon himself through executive action (because the repub congress refused to do anything) to institute the Clean Power Plan that has been described as the strongest action ever taken by a US president to combat global warming. This plan put into action through new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules that included such things as 1) new clean air standards for automobiles, factories and power plants to lower the amounts of toxic and greenhouse gases they were spewing into the skies above us; 2) the installation of solar energy panels on all federal buildings in the country and the conversion to clean energy type vehicles for the federal fleet - thus not only helping clean the air, but saving the taxpayers millions of dollars; 3) the protection of land and water (265 million acres), more than any other president in history - including the establishment of the world's largest marine reserve; 4) and many more green initiatives than I can list here.

Say goodbye to it all. Because these are executive actions and EPA rules, Donnie can abolish all of them on his first day in office - which he has promised to do. Not only is he recommending either Sarah Palin of Oklahoma gov Mary Fallin for interior secretary (both huge fans of drilling and digging everywhere on earth) and installing his oil and coal billionaire buddies into other posts in his administration, he has been quoted as saying: "Climate change is bullsh*t. I'm very much into fracking and drilling. I will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy, including shale energy and clean coal. That's what we want, that's what we've been waiting for." He has vowed to dismantle the EPA completely, repeal the Clean Power Plan, "renegotiate" the Paris Agreement, cancel restrictions on "clean coal" (is there even such a thing) and approve the Keystone XL pipeline - all within his first 100 days in office.

Yes sir. There are going to be many tears shed in the coming days. Not for us, but for this good earth and our children and their children. Till next time - R

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Let Them Eat Cake

"My campaign is about reaching out to everyone as Americans, and returning to a government that puts the American people first. We will offer a new future, not the same old failed policies of the past. Our party has chosen to make new history by selecting a nominee from outside the rigged and corrupt system."

That is a quote from Ol' Donnie laying out his "economic vision" for America given at a major address in Detroit last August. Donnie presented himself as a champion of the "forgotten Americans" and worked hard for the support of the white middle class worker. Well, he succeeded. They literally came out of the woodwork - to his rallies and on election day. They came seeking that carrot on a stick he was dangling in front of their faces. Unfortunately, they placed their faith in a consummate and pathological liar who never had any intention of looking out for their best interests. By-the-way, the average household income in the US is about $55,000. Keep that in mind.

It hasn't even taken Donnie and his transition cronies two weeks to rain on that parade. They're rapidly filling his administration with a gaggle of millionaires and billionaires - oil and coal magnates, hedge fund managers, wall street bankers, corporate CEO's, sports team owners, just to mention a few, with the list going on and on and on. It's estimated that so far, his appointees net worth added together is well on the north side of 35 billion dollars. That's $35,000,000,000!!

Looking out for the working class guy my behind. This upper class have absolutely no concept of how the average person lives. The best we could possibly hope to get out of people like these, would be for them to spit on us if we were to somehow get in their way. Take a real close look at the image above. It's the entrance way to one of the rooms in Donnie's 90 million dollar triplex in Trump Towers that most of our "future leaders" have passed through in the last few days to meet with the top nut-job himself. Frightening isn't it? Looks like King Midas swooped through and touched everything in sight.

Well now. If you're not a millionaire/billionaire and your net worth is not in the top 1%, then I hope you're wearing protection, because you (and I) are fixin' to get royally screwed. Till next time - R

Friday, November 25, 2016

School's Out

"School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces"

It looks like the repubs under Donnie are finally going to screw up our educational system into something worse than it already is. For years they have been trying to sell us on this idiotic idea of charter/private schools and school vouchers being the answer to all our educational woes. Ol' Donnie is wanting to appoint Betsy DeVoss to be our Secretary Of Education. She's a multi-billionaire who has probably never set foot in a public school in her life and who just so happens to be this country's most fanatical supporter of charter/private schools and school vouchers.

On the surface it sounds great doesn't it? If you don't like the public school your child is attending, you just send them to the nearest charter/private school where the environment is a real bed of roses. Life is good. Better yet, if you can't afford it, you get a school voucher from the government to pay for it. (Remember, these are the same politicians that refused to pay for health care for those that couldn't afford it. Too socialist.) Sounds like a sweet deal doesn't it.

Here's the rub. 1) Where's the money gonna come from? Who's gonna pay to build all these charter/private schools and who's gonna pay for all those vouchers? You can bet your sweet behind it's not gonna be the rich paying for the poor kids to go a private school. 2) What's to stop every parent who has kids in public school from putting their kids in private school and applying for the vouchers? I'm pretty sure you would see the public schools empty out in a flash. Then you've just transferred the "undesirables" from one place to another. 3) What about all those public school teachers that are going to be put out of jobs? I don't even want to think about that. 4) Here's the biggest problem. Obviously there won't be enough charter/private schools to handle the load. Suppose there are 8000 students in your city and 1500 openings to the available charter/private schools. So who will make the decision on who attends or not? Could this actually be a ploy to segregate the kids by race, religion, economic status, sexual orientation or even political beliefs? Surely Donnie and the repubs wouldn't stoop that low would they? Hahahahahahahahaha

I don't care who you support politically. If you care about the future of our children, you will fight this. It's a no-win situation for everyone but the select few. Till next time - R