Friday, November 25, 2016

School's Out

"School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces"

It looks like the repubs under Donnie are finally going to screw up our educational system into something worse than it already is. For years they have been trying to sell us on this idiotic idea of charter/private schools and school vouchers being the answer to all our educational woes. Ol' Donnie is wanting to appoint Betsy DeVoss to be our Secretary Of Education. She's a multi-billionaire who has probably never set foot in a public school in her life and who just so happens to be this country's most fanatical supporter of charter/private schools and school vouchers.

On the surface it sounds great doesn't it? If you don't like the public school your child is attending, you just send them to the nearest charter/private school where the environment is a real bed of roses. Life is good. Better yet, if you can't afford it, you get a school voucher from the government to pay for it. (Remember, these are the same politicians that refused to pay for health care for those that couldn't afford it. Too socialist.) Sounds like a sweet deal doesn't it.

Here's the rub. 1) Where's the money gonna come from? Who's gonna pay to build all these charter/private schools and who's gonna pay for all those vouchers? You can bet your sweet behind it's not gonna be the rich paying for the poor kids to go a private school. 2) What's to stop every parent who has kids in public school from putting their kids in private school and applying for the vouchers? I'm pretty sure you would see the public schools empty out in a flash. Then you've just transferred the "undesirables" from one place to another. 3) What about all those public school teachers that are going to be put out of jobs? I don't even want to think about that. 4) Here's the biggest problem. Obviously there won't be enough charter/private schools to handle the load. Suppose there are 8000 students in your city and 1500 openings to the available charter/private schools. So who will make the decision on who attends or not? Could this actually be a ploy to segregate the kids by race, religion, economic status, sexual orientation or even political beliefs? Surely Donnie and the repubs wouldn't stoop that low would they? Hahahahahahahahaha

I don't care who you support politically. If you care about the future of our children, you will fight this. It's a no-win situation for everyone but the select few. Till next time - R