Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sweatn' Up A Storm

Boy - Was it hot this summer or what? The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) just put out their annual report a few days ago telling us the past 5 years have been the hottest on record with 2016 breaking last year's record. Did you know that Arctic Sea ice was 28% below the average for the last 5 years? Or how about a couple of months ago a chunk of ice breaking off Antarctica the size of New Hampshire. THE SIZE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE!!!

Yet with impending doom for our children and grandchildren staring us in the face, Ol' Donnie boy has appointed one of his old cronies - Myron Bell - to head up his transition plans for our energy policy and the EPA. What a coup!!! Just the biggest global warming naysayer on the planet. Gone are the Paris accords on global warming. Gone are higher mileage standards for vehicles (let's all go get a gas guzzler). Gone are restrictions on fracking - health hazards be darned. Gone are any hopes of stopping environmentally unsound pipeline construction. Gone are the protection of federal lands from all sorts of mayhem in the name of energy production. Gone are the funds for research into renewable energy. Gone are tax breaks we get now for installing solar or wind power sources. Gone. Gone. Gone. Any strides we've made in the last few years to help our future generations - just gonna be gone. Makes me wanna cry for poor ol' mother earth.

The oil corporations, the coal industry, the power companies, the auto industry and more are all about to go on a feeding frenzy at our expense. Gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight! Till next time - R