Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump's Way Or The Highway

So - Did you hear the one where our illustrious president-elect had a secret meeting with 30 to 40 of America's television/radio/print media executives, along with major newscasters and writers to discuss future relations between the white house and the press for the next four years? I mean we're talking front line, top of the heap representatives from all the major networks and media outlets in the country. Just a private, off-the-record meeting with Donnie where they could form bonds of friendship, cooperation and access for the next four years.

HaHa - The joke's on them. Before they even got settled in their chairs, Ol' Donnie jumped up and started going off on 'em. He started one of his famous rants by saying over and over things like: "We’re in a room full of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong". (Gloating there much Donnie - very mature!)  He kept going on and on with this tantrum by repeatedly calling the media dishonest and deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was a network of liars.

These men and women should have expected this because Ol' Donnie doesn't believe in checks and balances. He doesn't believe that we have freedom of the press in this country to hold people like him accountable. In his view the press is there only to give him good publicity and if not, then you're the enemy. He must have made everyone pretty mad. Man - talk about kickin' an ant hill! Hopefully that'll wind up being one for our side. Till next time - R