Sunday, November 27, 2016

America The Beautiful

"O beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain.
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea."

Words that should bring a tear to any American's eye. Unfortunately over the next few years those tears will be shed for other reasons.

Most people don't realize that for the last eight years, some of President Obama's greatest achievements have been his efforts to save our environment. He helped push through the Paris Agreement - the most significant climate change deal among the countries of the world so far in history. He took it upon himself through executive action (because the repub congress refused to do anything) to institute the Clean Power Plan that has been described as the strongest action ever taken by a US president to combat global warming. This plan put into action through new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules that included such things as 1) new clean air standards for automobiles, factories and power plants to lower the amounts of toxic and greenhouse gases they were spewing into the skies above us; 2) the installation of solar energy panels on all federal buildings in the country and the conversion to clean energy type vehicles for the federal fleet - thus not only helping clean the air, but saving the taxpayers millions of dollars; 3) the protection of land and water (265 million acres), more than any other president in history - including the establishment of the world's largest marine reserve; 4) and many more green initiatives than I can list here.

Say goodbye to it all. Because these are executive actions and EPA rules, Donnie can abolish all of them on his first day in office - which he has promised to do. Not only is he recommending either Sarah Palin of Oklahoma gov Mary Fallin for interior secretary (both huge fans of drilling and digging everywhere on earth) and installing his oil and coal billionaire buddies into other posts in his administration, he has been quoted as saying: "Climate change is bullsh*t. I'm very much into fracking and drilling. I will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy, including shale energy and clean coal. That's what we want, that's what we've been waiting for." He has vowed to dismantle the EPA completely, repeal the Clean Power Plan, "renegotiate" the Paris Agreement, cancel restrictions on "clean coal" (is there even such a thing) and approve the Keystone XL pipeline - all within his first 100 days in office.

Yes sir. There are going to be many tears shed in the coming days. Not for us, but for this good earth and our children and their children. Till next time - R