Monday, November 14, 2016

Brotherly Love

Well Donnie all the votes weren't even counted before Ol' Vlad was formally asking you to pull back US and NATO troops from the eastern borders of EurAsia. Boy - How much would he love that? Can't you just see him rubbing his hands together with glee at the mere thought of it. Says it will be a form of detente and will improve relations between the US and Russia. Yeah - I've got a bridge in New York City I'd like to sell ya. (No mention of him pulling back Russian troops by-the-way.) Ahhhhhh - don't it just take you back to the good old glory days of Germany in the 1930's. What's your answer Donnie? I mean, you've already promised all those people who voted for you that you wanted to pull out of NATO if they couldn't "pay" their own way. Like they have the resources and the manpower to go up against Russia alone. Kinda like the Poles on horseback against German Tiger tanks in 1939. So... what's it gonna be? Till next time. - R