Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Not So Crooked Hillary

I'm sure everyone knows by now that "Lock Her Up" was the battle cry used at every Trump rally to stir the crowd into a frenzy. "Crooked Hillary" was the label used by Donnie at his campaign stops, his social media posts, his call-in to Fox news every morning and even in front of millions of people during the live debates. He even promised her straight to her face during the second debate to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her and "put her in prison". His supporters across the country went into a tizzy. Social media lit up like a Christmas tree. Ol' Donnie's supporters were not only still chanting "Lock Her Up" at his victory speech, but are still chanting it outside Trump Tower to this day.

Well guess what? There's going to be no special prosecutor appointed, no criminal charges brought forward and no Hillary going to jail. Could it be she did nothing wrong after all? Could it be she isn't really "crooked". Could it be that she really is a decent person who cared more about America than herself? Could it be she didn't even come close to deserving all the horrible and hateful bullsh*t said and written about her by Donnie and all his millions of rabid little trumpsters? Could it be America is going to wake up one day and realize what a "yuuuuge" mistake they made? Could it be we are going to pay a tremendous price for that mistake?

Think I'm making all this up? Kellyanne Conway, Donnie's campaign manager, admitted yesterday that his promise to appoint a special prosecutor and throw Hillary in jail was just a "political stunt" to rile up his crowds and win votes. A dirty trick to get elected. Ol' Dick Nixon must be bursting with pride from whatever corner of hell he's residing in now. I mean he was forced from office for much less than this. How times have changed. The old saying needs a 21st century upgrade to: "All's Fair In Love, War and Presidential Politics". Till next time - R